Home care philadelphia provides individuals with trusted and consistent home health services that are tailored to their unique needs. These non-clinical home care services can include companionship, respite, errand running, cooking meals, homemaking tasks and supervision of medical treatment. These services can be managed through a home health agency or a family caregiver.
Who makes the most money in a nursing home?
The cost of home care varies by state and location, but is typically less than the average nursing facility or hospital stay. The following chart gives you an overview of how much home care costs in your region and state.
As an Area Agency on Aging, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging can help seniors and individuals with disabilities find highest paying home care agency in philadelphia that meets their needs. Their In Home Support program offers assistance to those who need help with everyday tasks such as meal preparation, bathing and dressing. They can also assist with arranging transportation and providing home-delivered meals. The program also provides home safety assessments and information on insurance counseling and benefits applications.
Consumer-option home care is available to seniors in the Philadelphia area through Chosen Family Home Care. The service enables them to choose their own caregiver through a screening process which includes background checks and references. The agency will then match the caregiver with the patient and manage their schedule to ensure the best possible outcomes. They can also assist with navigating the Medicaid waiver and other community resources. The services are provided through the Home and Community Based Program which is part of the Home Health Waiver through UPMC and Keystone First.